From abstract dreams to vivid reality

A Passion for Perfection
Once upon a time, China was known for its superior craftsmanship and attention to detail. Foreigners flocked from across the globe to witness firsthand what we had to offer, from raw materials to scarce ingredients, from design to execution. Neospeq seeks to tap into that age-old tradition and balance it with the advanced manufacturing capacities we have in China today to bring you a future that balances between cost and quality.
Our StoryThe proof is in
the pudding
(actually, it lives on with our clients)
You provide the vision, we provide everything else. From prototyping, to sourcing to manufacturing all the way to supply & delivery.
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Think Big
We provide hotels, homes, restaurants, offices and establishments with a turn-key furnishing solution, balancing budget and quality without blinking.
From abstract
dreams to vivid rality
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We'd love to listen to your great idea.